Sunday, January 9, 2011


"When you're not surrounding yourself around positive things, positive people, and successful LONG term goals then you're not ready to go where I'm about to take off too. Therefore, I can't associate my time with you (don't take it personal). If I shoot you the dueces then just know it's time to step your game up!! SN: Don't step it up for me, step it up for you!!!"

I came across this status on my timeline from a fb/old friend Tamika Hampton and it makes complete sense.

When you associate yourself with drama and negativity, nothing that you set forth in life will come into maturation because you will have so much to deal with. My goal is to make a better life for my two daughters. I do not have the time to associate with people who's only goal is cause conflict and drama. A life without drama is a life with peace.

When someone starts to talk badly about someone else, close your ears to the drama because once you start feeding the drama, it will get out of hand.


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