Saturday, January 8, 2011


MY MOTTO: If they tell you that they are in your corner and support all you endeavors 100%, please make sure that they have enough gas money to take the ride w/you, or else you will end up stranded somewhere with no cellphone reception to call for HELP!

      I've seen and experienced firsthand just what jealously, hatred and bitterness could do to a "friendship". In today's society, whether you are male or female, friends (loyal) are hard as HELL to come by. You meet people that you think are genuinely there for you only to find out that they have a negative motive for being your friend. Some people truly don't want to see you succeed in life and those are the main ones that come around just to be NOISEY. It is very saddening that you will honestly go through life with someone that you may think is your friend only to realize that they have been stabbing you in the back with the next person. I can't stand when someone involves themselves in an altercation that has nothing to do with them. I have found myself in situations where I would have an issue with one person and someone else that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it involves themselves like WTF??? A common female trait is JEALOUSLY so a friendship may start off good but I may do something that you have always wanted to do, drive a nicer car, dress nicer, have more friends, and make more money than you and now all of a sudden, you start talking about me to whomever is willing to lend an ear. What I discuss with you or do should never be a topic of discussion when I am not around if we are SUPPOSE to be friends. It is jealously that will end a friendship. When will black men and women join forces to uplift each other instead of tearing each other down with negativity.

      If I say, " So and so, did you know that I finally started that blog I have always wanted to do?" Don't say "What for?" say "Congratulations." There is a difference between constructive criticism and just being just plain rude. Sometimes I may not need advice, just looking for a shoulder to lean on or someone to vent to, don't always give me the I TOLD YOU SO advice. I am so tired of the part time friends that only call you when they need you but always have an excuse for when you need them. Those types of friends you make sure to not even allow to go for the ride. If all your friends do is discuss other people and not themselves, always involved in drama, let them go.

      So the next time someone says that they are you friend, make sure they have enough gas money for the long trip ahead but if not, kindly slow down to a safe speed, reach over them to open the door and let them out. When your light turns green, put your foot on the gas pedal and don't look in the rearview mirror. When you are planning your life for success, the negative friends and thinking has to go. Not everyone can go on your road to success and that is just fine. REAL TRUE Friends are like needles in a haystack, difficult as hell to find!

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