Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was having a conversation with a classmate and she was telling me that her cousin begged her boyfriend to marry her because they were BF/GF for three years and lived together. She was doing everything to keep him as far as cooking, cleaning, having sex every other day, and doing as he wished to get the ring and soon as she got it, all that stopped. Which lead me to my next blog: Living together VS. being married.

    Ladies and gentleman, I say this time and time again, don't accept what you are not willing to deal with. Serious committed relationships are hard to come by especially having both parties being faithful. But I must say there is nothing worst then a breach of contract once the papers are signed and you are now husband and wife when you start slacking. I can't stand when someone loosens up and becomes comfortable especially after marriage and truthfully that is a form of trickery and sometimes grounds for divorce. If you were giving head and having sex more than once a week, cooking full meals, washing and ironing his clothes, at his beck and call when your were dating, you can't stop when you get married. Granted everyone has their days and sometimes you will slack but when it becomes noticeable..Houston, we have a slight problem. Chivalry is never dead and it is always nice to cater to your man especially if he deserves it.

   Your aim in a relationship is give the other person 100% of you IF they deserve it. Some of us ladies are going hard for the wrong person. If your aim is to please each other then 50/50 won't do because why would you want half of someone. 100/100 and there will be no discrepancies.

   Fellas, learn when to be the aggressor, the best friend and the shoulder to lean on. You can't start off buying roses, opening doors, rubbing feet, giving massages, giving head, laying the pipe down PROPERLY (LOL), listening to all the problems and then all of a sudden, we are married and you have stopped all of that. You only want to have sex with me when you are in the mode and it is wack as hell...All I can think about is when are you getting off??? telling me to call my friends because you don't want to hear my drama, no more back massages or foot rubs, and when I ask what happened to the flowers, your reply was, " There going to die anyway"...WTF? That is a big no no!

 Ask questions and COMMUNICATE to your partner about what is on your mind because they are not psychic. Keep noisey people out of your business because if it doesn't involve them, they don't need to know. Sometimes when you get married, you feel like okay I got this person, so there is no need to keep up the things I use to do..right.....WRONG! Keep your man amazed and he will do the same.

   But please watch for the signs of a jerk because all of his or her sayings start off as jokes. Once you pass them off, that is all the ammo needed for them to go harder and now the disrespect has evolved. I can't take when a man belittles a woman just to make himself feel good...It is never funny but that is for another topic!

Hope this helps...


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