Saturday, January 8, 2011

Too many women are claiming and submitting to men that won't marry them. Dating doesn't have benefits.

It's no secret that I am in LOVE with the man of my dreams but by any means was it an easy road to get there. I have been in numerous relationships but only one before the one I am in now was long term. What's happening nowadays where women are asking, "Where are all the good men at?" is that they seem to have all disappeared but I have good news for you, they haven't.  There are truly some good men out there but what you have to ask yourself is, " Are you ready for a good man????"

Ladies, a man needs someone that he can take home to his family and be comfortable enough to say and tell people, that's my girl! You can't judge how a man will treat you by the way he treats his mom because you are not his mom. You should never want to be in a relationship with a man that doesn't respect you. If a man is cowardly enough to belittle you, raise his hand at you and disrespect you, in every aspect that is NOT LOVE by any means. I am so tired of hearing women say my man hits me because he loves me....ARE  YOU STUPID??? A real man no matter the situation would never put his hands on a woman. If you are still into drama and confusion, a man doesn't need that and it is actually a turn off.

When you have too many FRIENDS all up in your business giving you what you may think is helpful advice, it causes tension between your relationship because now you are listening to them and doing all the things they feel you should do in your relationship, when all along your man is the one you should be focused on. I am so sorry but a single friend can't give a married women advice because she is single and has that mindset. Communication and Trust are the main factors that will determine the outcome of your relationship. My motto is 100/100 not 50/50 because why would I want half of you??? When my goal is to please you, there will absolutely be no discrepancies.  Also, alot of men and women get into these relationships by doing things in the beginning only to stop once your married and that is a big NO  NO!!! Ladies, if you were cooking, cleaning and having sex all the time, don't stop once the band is on your finger. And fellas, if you were buying the roses, opening up the car doors, leaving I love you notes everywhere, don't stop once the relationship has gotten further along and you are now Mr. and Mrs.

Ladies, a great deal of how you carry yourself plays a role in you finding your mate. I am a strong believer in a woman is to be seen not heard. Your presence should speak volumes not your loudness. A man can spot confidence a mile away because that is what you embody. Do you really think he wants your loud behind on his arm, I think not. Relationships are all about compromise. Ladies, you can't win every argument.

So stop asking God to send you a good man because what he may send you at first will not be that but he is showing you that you are not ready for what you are requesting. When He feels that you are ready, my goodness! Ladies, If a man can love you PURELY without lying, controlling or cheating, he can do ANYthing!

I have to honestly say that I regret my first love and first time but you know what, it was a learning experience and a complete eye opener to what I didn't want in the future. Talk about getting dumped not even knowing only to find out Valentine's Day when he walks in with her and all the things he bought her...WTF???? He taught me alot and the relationship wasn't all bad but at the end of it all, the cons outweighed the pros.

Know what you want and set limits but not to high that you don't recognize what is standing right in front of you.


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