Monday, May 16, 2011


Nowadays, you hear a lot of people talking about allowing another person to share their mate, from two women, one man or two men, one woman. In my honest and non biased opinion, a bedroom just like a marriage or solid relationship, should be between two individuals. I do not see the reason to involve a stranger or friend to share an intimate moment such as sexual intercourse. To me, women are selling themselves short by giving into the temptation or needs of their partner wanting someone else to join them. If you really look at it, truthfully, it should be called "allowed cheating." If he wants a different partner, then you be that different partner whether it means changing your hair color, having spontaneous sex, calling each other different names for that night, etc. You should be the one to spice up your relationship. If a man prefers another man with his wife, that is suspect but I will not elaborate on that. If your not the type of woman that would involve another being into your relationship but you did it anyway just to satisfy your mate, what else would you be willing to do? There is a difference between keeping your mate happy and lowering your morals. If your mate is not satisfied with you, then he/she should not be your mate. It doesn't take another person to spice up your relationship. Buy porn, get erotic toys for you and him, wear costumes, role play, plan a nice romantic getaway. Being sexually active is suppose to be romantic and special but nowadays, it has become a free for all. If you are the type that enjoys threesomes, by all means, do you but in my household, that is not even up for discussion. IJS!

Disclaimer: I am not a relationship or sex therapist but I am a woman who is entitled to my own opinion.

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